Sunday, 3 April 2016

New Season.

Hey everyone.

This will be one of only a few updates at the blog. This Season I
will need to work on other things, with only the rare day free to surf.

If anyone wants to send out relevant updates during the Season,
feel free to do so by PM. Relevant to the Season and not daily
advertising. lol

Season 6 starts tomorrow.

Full details are at the CTP Teams Blog - CLICK.

A summary is below.

Start Date - 4th April at 12am EST.
End Date - To be confirmed(rest days will be introduced).

This Season will again require you to qualify each day in order to
start earning points for the team. There are two main differences,
you need to surf more than last time but your points count for the
whole Season and not just that day. 

How do I qualify?

You need to complete Tier 3 of the Daily Challenge(250 views).
Play 3 sub games(420 views) .
Complete 3 Vaults((462 views).

Total clicks to qualify for the day = 1132.

Season 6 - Members.

We have a number of new members for this Season. Please
check out the Team list and see if you are friends.

Team page has been updated as well.

Last Season did not produce a lot of activity but we still finished
6th before play-offs and 5th overall. With qualification still being
a part of surfing, the only way I see activity going up is because
points will now be going toward the whole Season. One day of
good surfing can produce more points than 3 or 4 days doing
the minimum. 

Again, do what you can and when you want to. Have fun and if
you're no longer having fun, stop and do something else. :)

Season 6 - Prizes

Last Season, we won $28 and donated it to charity(see a previous
post). The format this Season is similar to last so we may win a
comparable amount. If so, the same charity donation will be made.

This team is about making friends and contacts for the future. We
compete with each other against other teams for fun. If your sole
intention is to make money in the Season winnings, you will be
disappointed at what you get(it may be nothing at all).

Complete and upfront information. 

Take part in things, follow guides, join team ventures, make friends
or just surf - it's up to you. 


Mmm, I hope that update didn't sound too negative? I've changed
it three times now and I'll need to leave it as it is now. lol

If you need me, I'm here. 

To our success.


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