Monday, 26 September 2016

Season 8 is just around the corner......

Hey everyone.

If you check the previous post, I said we would be sitting out
the next Season(s) unless things changed............they did!

Thanks to Maya(who stepped up and polled members while
I was offline injured) - we are going to compete in Season 8.
From what I gather, we have almost half the team on board.
Will there be more once we start? :)

Details are available at the CTP Teams blogs in these posts

Disregard the start date in the above post - it is now on

MONDAY SEPTEMBER 26TH at 12:00 EST or 17:00 GMT

as explained in the next post


This Season, you DO NOT need to qualify each day. It's more
about surfing the Promos like subs, vaults, eggs, DC etc.

Qualifying was a big part in people deciding to leave or losing
interest so let me say it again - you DO NOT need to qualify.

Two other things that annoyed members are below.......

Subscriber Bonus - Removed
XP for Purchases - Removed

Now that three of the things that people hated are removed,
this Season is open for some fun and is all about completing
promos. Simply doing more promos than the team you are
paired against, wins.

The promo and team you compete against will change daily.

To see who we are against and the challenge to do, go to

To check our Team score and which Division we are in, go to

To see where you are in the Renegades team ranking, go to

We are back in Divisions and competing against the other teams
in our Division. Every three days, the top team in the Division moves
up and the bottom team moves down.

XP - Collect 1 million and trade for 1 point. This stores for that day
only and doesn't carry forward to the next day so.....remember to
trade your XP in that day.

After reading above and the posts - if you are unsure of anything,
I'll be here to answer your questions or you can contact another
Renegade from the team list.  

One last thing on the team - please make sure you are friends with
all other Renegades. If not, send a friend request and introduce
yourself. :)


Obviously, I didn't know I was going to get injured and I didn't
know we were going to compete in this Season. Now that I was
and we are, I'll need to re-write parts of this blog and add content
through time.

It will take me time but it will be a good thing as details needed
refreshed and content that I thought about should be added.

We may be moving somewhere else but that will be in 2017. :)


Have fun in Season 8 and let's try to get back to our position in
past times. I'll be with you as much as I possibly can and when
I'm not - I'll be working in the background.

If you need me, I'm here daily from now(hopefully). 

To our success.


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