Tuesday 30 December 2014

It's the end of the year.....

Hey everyone,

the Teams Competition has come to an end. Let's see how we did.


Last week, we came 5th in the Premier League and 5th overall.. :)

As we stayed in the Premier League, you have all got a Premier - Season1
badge added to your profiles. This will stay on your profile permanently.

3Kore4 (23/25)13442406851
4Lucky 13 (25/25)11861745295
5Renegades (25/25)4495823525
6Dream Team (25/25)2393608646
7WealthBuilders (25/25)1284797042
For the year, we came 4th, narrowly missing out on the $500 that came
with a 3rd place finish. That would have been nice to use for contests
but it was not to be. :(

4th out of all teams is an amazing achievement for us. Those who were
there, battling every week, take most of the credit. Without you all(you
know who you are) this would not have been possible. Take a bow. :)

To those who contributed when they could, thank you. Some weeks, it
was just a small group effort needed to gain a place. Your points could
have gained that place for us.

1SurfAholics - Alpha (25/25)1826
2Lucky 13 (25/25)1783
3The Cash Surfing Network (24/25)1634
4Renegades (25/25)1613
5Kore4 (23/25)1590
This Week.

There is no competition this week so you can take a break to do other
things - sleep, eat, talk to people, go outside. lol

If you do decide to continue the challenges and promos.......

One lucky Premier League member of CTP Teams will be awarded a random prize of $25 just for competing in CTP teams this week.

Good Luck. :)

Next Year

The new year for the Team Competition will start on the 5th of January.

Instead of one competition for the whole year, it will be split into periods.
There could be 3, 4 or 5 different competitions. That should make things
a little more interesting.

Renegade of the Week.

Antoaneta Chenkova. Some incredible surfing this week(all month really).


Congratulations Antoaneta

Renegades Badge

The link for a Renegades badge was sent out to all members last week. As
of now, 15 have collected it.

If you didn't get the PM or accidentally deleted it, contact me as soon as
you can. It is important that all Renegades have it. It is YOUR badge. :)

Prize Clickers

Full details - http://www.prizeclickers.com/contest.html

I'd like to see as many Renegades doing the contest as possible. The more
Renegade names on the contest board, the better. :)


Renegades Skype

We have a Renegades room on Skype.

Send me your Skype username and I'll add you to the room.

If you don't want to join the room, that's okay. Send me your Skype and
you can leave questions or messages for me.

Daily Challenge - Subs and Vaults

Brenda(support at CTP) has the list of all daily promos at her site;


Member links are at the Renegades Site - still updating now.
Next contest at Prize Clickers - January 12th.


Have a Happy New Year when it comes and I'll see you on the flip-side. :)

David. :)

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