Friday 26 February 2016

Update to a previous post - communication.

Hi everyone.

Some time ago I wrote a post about being organised. Not organised in your
on/offline work routine(which is important and something I am still trying
to do. lol)), just about communication.

It was primarily for Renegade activity - to stay updated. A few messages I
had during my holiday, made me realise that I needed to update the old post
and let everyone know where to go for the latest details....or just where to go.

I had messages like - where is? when is? what is this? How do I?

The answer to most of those questions was somewhere, they just didn't know
where it was. Moving forward, we need everyone to know how to access or
where they will receive information.

There will be a Forum coming if there is interest in it. This is where you will
all be able to get together in the one space and talk or read. Until then, here is
the update to the previous post.

Organisation and getting into a routine.

Due to the many different types of  communication available, some of
our team are missing out on information. I want to share a simple routine
that should keep you up to date with everything. This is what I do but you
can change the routine to suit your needs - add sites, change the order etc.

You should have bookmarks organised into folders on your browser. Up to
you how you do this but it is essential to keep everything in some sort of
order. An obvious bookmark is here

This may sound simplistic but when followed, it works. This relates mostly
to CTP, Renegades and Prize Clickers. I have a larger routine but I have
cut it down to what is relevant here.

You should be on these lists and read the emails that you get from them. I
never send many so they should be easy to spot at your inbox.

First pages open are my email. I check and deal with any emails that need
my attention first. I do not open any other pages until everything has been
dealt with that can be. If you have Gmail, you can create labels and have
similar emails sent to their own folder. This will free up your inbox for
messages that you might not get each day(like......a Renegade mailing. lol).

Second open is CTP. After logging in, I check the Goodies page to see if I
have the Friendzy card filled and will then need to load a new one.

I then READ my PM's that need attention and clean out the inbox.

After that, I will look at the Teams page to see where we are, what the
Daily Challenge(DC), mines and keys are(and whether I can surf them).

I will also see if there are new posts at CTP Teams Blog.

After doing the above I will open Skype. I'll then answer personal messages
before moving into our Renegades Room. I'll scan all posts since the last
time I was on and take note or action on anything needed.

That's it, all done. I'm caught up on everything and I can now,
promote, try out ideas, work(boo! lol).....whatever.

If you are in an active Prize Clickers contest, you'd want to add the FaceBook
page and blog to the above steps.

Sounds like a lot of work but if nothing is happening, it takes a few minutes
and you will be up to date with everything, not just Renegades or PC.

RNG Team is coming.

A new/old/mixed team will be coming. Communication will be extremely
important once the team is in place. Get ready and get organised. :)


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